When placing an order, the customer is free to choose how to pay for their purchases using the methods permitted by the website. Several payment methods are offered:

  • Credit card, by following the on-screen instructions and entering the card number and expiry date.
  • Bank transfer and payment into our bank account at Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, BBVA ES64 0182 1076 9302 0159 8630. If you choose the “bank transfer” payment method, please note that the order may be delayed for a few more days, depending on how long the bank takes. Productos de Almadraba will not process your order until we have received your payment.
  • PayPal, one of the safest payment methods in the world, providing an additional level of security, as your financial details (such as your bank account and debit or credit card number) do not have to be provided, just your username and password. There is an additional cost for this payment method.